Saturday, April 17, 2010

Penalty for shunting

Cologne --
There were pictures like from a movie. Leaderless rolled on 11 November 2008 fully loaded with a freight train with 31 cars on Cologne - with fuel from the briquette Wachtberg in Frechen.
The engine driver Alex P. (21) and the brakeman Heinz H. (45), both employees at RWE Power, had already jumped from the train. They had noticed that the safety brake of the locomotive while working, the brakes but not packed. The trip ended with a big Kawumm the ghost in a warehouse in Marsdorf. Damage: € 500,000, three workers escaped with a fright.
Driver Alex P. (21) and the brakeman Heinz H. (45) were therefore before the court yesterday in Kerpen. Because of grossly negligent conduct in court proceedings Schienenverkehr.Der turned against the then 20 years old driver against the payment received from 1200 euros to a social institution.
The brakeman, who was responsible for controlling the brakes, was sentenced to a fine of 60 days rates to 60 Euros. He had not properly checked out of time pressure and hectic on the brakes. The locomotive rolled leaderless towards Cologne.