Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Postbank can hang the poorest"

Cologne / Bonn - the Cologne district court judges and judicial officials are angered by the Postbank. The bank pays the poorest of the poor often have their social security benefits is not enough. Result: The court shall issue injunctions in rows.
The Post Bank building at the Edmund-Rumpler-Straße in Porz you are already accustomed to it that the court is at the door. What's he want? It provides for the Postbank injunctions of Hartz IV recipients who claim their entitlement to the basic insurance.
District Judge Juergen Mannebeck on EXPRESS-request: "All the benefits of preserving the needy, are pfändungsfrei in the first seven days. That means the bank must pay the money received from the consortium or the pension institution, even if the account is covered or run attachments. "
But if those who need to go to the Post Bank counters, they often hear: "I can pay them, unfortunately, nothing." A result, many recipients of social benefits for days without a penny of money. Mannebeck: "This can depend Postbank, the poorest of the poor."
A few floors up Rechtspfleger K. produces just one order against Deutsche Postbank. Not the first. Under Az 290 M 7271/08, he has committed the bank to pay the benefits. In one case, the penalty was 5000 €. The paid for the Postbank.
Call spokeswoman Uta Schaller at Postbank in Bonn: "Many customers have the same running multiple garnishments. We must always first consider the case. But always run immediately to the court clerk. "
Jürgen Mannebeck said: "Strangely enough, there is this problem with other banks do not. They know that they have to pay. "
See also: German bank Postbank rises when they stole a 'rogue every day 1000 Euro manipulated by the Account> ATM: These men have ripped off 9000 people>