Saturday, May 29, 2010

A-Eleven with Brouwers and Lamidi

Gladbach - Since the start of the return series, the rotation at Borussia an end. Hans Meyer has found its root formation. Of all the Derby in Cologne now threatens the tearing apart of Basiself.
Both Karim Matmour and Steve Gohouri, who were each in all six games in the second half starting XI were missing on Wednesday because of their muscular problems in the main training unit "Elf against Elf." Assistant coach Manfred Stefes: "They are still not 100 percent fit. But we hope that it will work until Saturday. "For Moses Lamidi Matmour in the A-team stormed.
Recommend the winger could not there. He had many opportunities were lost and took off a ticking-off of Meyer. Roel Brouwers better solved its task, the Gohouri had already represented 60 minutes against Hamburg excellent. "I would like to be. Derbies are always special games, "he hopes for his efforts.
Also read: Marin, I would never 1 FC Cologne> Borussia: The number one on the Rhine>