Friday, June 4, 2010

Illegal car racing is 20-year-old's life

GER - It was about speed, adrenaline, fame with his mates. But probably has a illegalesAutorennen a 20-year-olds in GER (Heinsberg) cost amMontagabend life.
Three other passengers were injured desselbenWagens, one of them very heavy.
That is probably happening: Two cars drove on the highway, overtook one after a third car. But the second verlorbeim Einscheren control of his vehicle. The car kamvon off the road and crashed against several trees.
   The 20-year-old was it hurt so badly that he died in hospital wenigspäter. Two other inmates wurdeneingeklemmt, one thrown from the car. After erstenErkenntnissen the police it is likely that the accident was preceded einillegales car racing.